Journey of remembrance Minsk/Maly Trostinec 26–30 May 2013

in German:
Gedenkreise Minsk/Maly Trostinec 26.–30. Mai 2013




During this year’s memorial journey to Maly Trostinec, main events of the trip shall be hanging up name plaques for murdered relatives, planting flowers, speaking Kaddisch at the place they were murdered and where nothing else in there to remember them.

in German:
Bei der diesjährigen Gedenkreise nach Maly Trostinec gehören das Aufhängen der Namensschilder für die ermordeten Angehörigen, das Säen von Blumensamen, das Sprechen des Kaddisch an jener Stelle, wo diese ermordet worden sind und wo nichts sonst an sie erinnert, zu den zentralen Punkten der Reise.


Association IM-MER (Malvine Initiative – remember Maly Trostinec) in memory of the Austrian victims of the Shoah in Belarus

in German:
Verein IM-MER (Initiative Malvine – Maly Trostinec erinnern) zum Gedenken an die österreichischen Opfer der Shoah in Weißrussland



Austria | show on map


28 May 2013


Commemorative journey


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.