Remembrance project "Lost neighborhood 2013"

in German:
Gedenkprojekt "verlorene Nachbarschaft 2013"




On 9 November 2013 the Association is planning a remembrance ceremony at the former location of the Neudegger synagogue in front of the municipal residential building Neudeggergasse 12. On a much smaller scale but none the less still of importance, attention should be drawn to this day of remembrance on this evening (working title “Lights, love, singing”, with neighbors, artists, writers and academics.

in German:
Am 9. November 2013 plant der Verein abermals eine Gedenkveranstaltung am ehemaligen Standort des Neudeggertempels vor dem heute an dieser Stelle befindlichen Gemeindebau in der Neudeggergasse 12. In weit kleinerem Umfang, aber nicht weniger bedeutsam soll an diesem Abend (momentaner Arbeitstitel: „Lichter, Liebe, Lieder“) mit NachbarInnen, KünstlerInnen, SchriftstellerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen diesem Gedenktag wieder Aufmerksamkeit verschafft werden.


Association concerning Neudeggergasse

in German:
Verein Betrifft: Neudeggergasse


Austria | show on map


25 Nov 2013


Remembrance event


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.