Up to 120

in German:
Bis 120




The Jewish Museum Vienna is celebrating ist 20th anniversary. For this reason, Raum.Film will present a TV documentary in cooperation with the ORF. The Museum, established in the 19th century expreienced an abrupt end under the Third Reich - following its closure and confiscation of its artifacts in 1938, Vienna's Jews were forced out or murdered. It took decared before artefacts were restituted and the museum was reopened in 1993. The film contains a portrait of the museum and is orientated towards the historical timeline. The creation of the new permanent exhibition, which is to be opened in November 2013, and the 20th anniversary since the establishment at the new location on Palais Eskeles gave rise to the film.

in German:
Thomas Trenkler geht aus Anlass des Gedenkens an das fatale Jahr 1938 in Interviews mit Überlebenden und Nachgeborenen – Künstlern, Schriftstellern, Schauspielern, Kunstsammlern, Intellektuellen – der Frage nach: Was wäre, ahnte man, als Hitler vor 75 Jahren in Österreich einmarschierte, was folgen würde? Und wenn ja: Wie reagierte man? Interviews mit Maria Altmann, Gerhard Bronner, Josef Burg, Heinz von Foerster, André Heller, Georges Jorisch, Ruth Klüger, Erich Lessing, George Tabori, Herbert Zipper, Emile Zuckerkandl und anderen.


RAUM.FILM Film Production DI Matthias Widter e.U.

in German:
RAUM.FILM Filmproduktion DI Matthias Widter e.U.





25 Nov 2013


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.