Castle Laudon

in German:
Schloss Laudon




The Chamber Music Festival of Castle Laudon by the “Aron Quartet” is, in particular, devoted to the performance of selected works by composers persecuted by the Nazis. Many of them had to emigrate, some were murdered in the Nazi death camps. In 2014 the program consists of composers born in Vienna. Irene Suchy (ORF) will speak on the subject “Weinberg and Shostakovich: Music from the Stalin era” and Gerold Gruber ( on “Emigration destination Mexico”.

in German:
Das Kammerfestival Schloss Laudon des „aron quartetts“ widmet sich insbesondere der Aufführung ausgesuchter Werke von unter dem Naziregime verfolgten Komponisten. Viele von ihnen mussten emigrieren, manche wurden in den Vernichtungslagern der Nationalsozialisten ermordet. 2014 stehen die in Wien geborenen Komponisten auf dem Programm. Es werden Irene Suchy (ORF) zum Thema „Weinberg und Schostakowitsch: Musik aus der Stalinzeit“ und Gerold Gruber ( zum Thema „Emigrationsland Mexico“ sprechen.


Chamber Music Festival Association

in German:
Verein Kammermusikfestival Schloss Laudon



Austria | show on map


03 Jul 2014


Symposium, seminar, conference, workshop


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.