The end of remembering – Carinthia partisans II

in German:
Das Ende der Erinnerung – Kärntner PartisanInnen II




During the exhibition, new, unpublished video interviews and audio interviews will be shown. The presentation of the video installation will be formally updated and contain new visual elements (framed photographs). The video installation consists of video monitors, table objects, wall texts and photographs which will be arranged in the room.

in German:
Im Zuge der Ausstellung werden neue unveröffentlichte Videointerviews und Audiointerviews gezeigt. Die Präsentation der Videoinstallation soll formal aktualisiert werden und neue Gestaltungselemente (gerahmte Fotografien) beinhalten. Die Videoinstallation besteht aus Videomonitoren, Tischobjekten, Wandtexten und Fotografien, die im Raum angeordnet werden.


pArtisan – Art in a social and societal political context.

in German:
pArtisan – Kunst im sozial- und gesellschaftspolitischen Kontext



Austria | show on map


03 Jul 2014


Art and culture project


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.