Journey of remembrance to the 69th liberation ceremony for Buchenwald and Dora

in German:
Gedenkfahrt zur 69. Befreiungsfeier Buchenwald und Dora




The journey of remembrance took place between 10.04 and 15.04.2014. The Austrian delegation consisted of three people. Albert Dlabaja (Chairman and Vice President of the International Committee Buchenwald-Dora); Renate Sassmann (secretary), Brigitte Offner (finance, daughter of a victim). In addition to the ceremony, conversations with surviving eyewitnesses will be held.

in German:
Die Gedenkfahrt fand am 10.04.-15.04.2014 statt. Die österreichische Delegation bestand aus drei Personen. Albert Dlabaja (Obmann und Vizepräsident des Internationalen Komitees Buchenwald-Dora – IKBD), Renate Sassmann (Sekretärin), Brigitte Offner (Finanz, Tochter eines Opfers). Neben der Gedenkveranstaltung fanden auch Zeitzeugengespräche mit Jugendlichen statt.


Austrian Concentration Camp Association Buchenwald, Alliance of former political prisoners of Buchenwald concentration camp

in German:
Österreichische KZ-Vereinigung Buchenwald, Verband ehemaliger politischer Häftlinge des KZ Buchenwald


Austria | show on map


03 Jul 2014


Symposium, seminar, conference, workshop


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.