Tell who?

in German:
Wem erzählen




Tell who? Was one of the main questions asked by Mauthausen inmates, especially on the day of and the days following their liberation on 5 May 1945. This is the precise question that the film wishes to address. How did the concentration camp inmates perceive their liberation and, above all, how did they manage to return to their daily lives? For former inmates of Mauthausen will be interviewed. The 70th anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen will be remembered in 2015. The film “Tell who?” will be produced and presented in this year of remembrance.

in German:
WEM ERZÄHLEN war eine der zentralen Fragen der Häftlinge von Mauthausen vor allem am Tag und nach ihrer Befreiung am 5. Mai 1945. Der Film will genau dieser Frage nachgehen. Wie haben die KZ-Häftlinge von Mauthausen ihre Befreiung wahrgenommen, und vor allem, wie haben sie in das alltägliche Leben zurückgefunden? Vier ehemalige Häftlinge von Mauthausen sollen befragt werden. 2015 jährt sich zum 70. Mal der Befreiungstag von Mauthausen. Der Film WEM ERZÄHLEN soll in diesem Gedenkjahr hergestellt und präsentiert werden.


Sigma Film Production Ltd.

in German:
Sigma Filmproduktion GmbH



Austria | show on map


16 Dec 2014


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.