The Schwadron Brothers new traces and locations

in German:
Brüder Schwadron neue Spuren & Orte




The aim of the second exhibition “THE SCHWADRON BROTHERS new locations and traces” is to continue the remembrance work and to promote the commemoration of the Schwadron Brothers, who made a unique contribution to the aesthetics of Vienna’s urban culture and whose business and family were destroyed by the Nazis. During and after the exhibition, the project team received many new tips on places where the company carried out its work. Innumerable visitors to the exhibition gave as gifts to the team a variety of original artefacts, such as tiles laid by the Schwadrin Brothers and saved before the demolition. The catalogue accompanying the exhibition will contain all of these new places and objects.

in German:
Ziel der zweiten Ausstellung „BRÜDER SCHWADRON neue Orte & Spuren“ ist es, die Erinnerungsarbeit fortzuführen und das Andenken an die Brüder Schwadron zu wahren, die einen einmaligen Beitrag zur Ästhetik der Stadtkultur Wiens leisteten und deren Familie und Firma von den Nazis zerstört wurden. Während und nach der ersten Ausstellung erhielt das Projekt-Team viele weitere Hinweise zu neuen Orten des Wirkens der Firma. Etliche Besucher der Ausstellung schenkten dem Team vielfältige Originalobjekte, u.a. von den Brüdern Schwadron verlegte und vor dem Abriss gerettete Fliesen. Der Katalog zur Ausstellung wird alle neuen Orte und Objekte zeigen.


Labprojects Cultural Association

in German:
Labprojects Kulturverein


Austria | show on map


16 Dec 2014




Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.