Cultural program for the residents of the Maimonides Center

in German:
Kulturprogramm für die BewohnerInnen des Maimonides Zentrums




Many residents of the Maimonides Sanatorium were once victims of National Socialism. Due to their advanced age, many of them can no longer leave the home. In order to make their lives more pleasant the management has decided to bring seven performances to the home. For this reason various events will be held, such as musical performances and readings.

in German:
Viele BewohnerInnen des Sanatoriums Maimonides sind ehemalige Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Aus Altersgründen verlassen die meisten von ihnen das Heim nicht mehr. Um ihnen den Lebensabend schöner gestalten zu können, hat die Leitung beschlossen, sieben Aufführungen ins Heim zu holen. Aus diesem Grund werden diverse Veranstaltungen, wie Lesungen und musikalische Aufführungen, stattfinden.


Sanatorium Maimonides Center

in German:
Sanatorium Maimonides Zentrum



Austria | show on map


01 Jun 2015


Social programme


Social / socio-medical projects


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.