Psychosocial support provided to Austrian Holocaust survivors and their families in Israel

in German:
Psychosocial support provided to Austrian Holocaust survivors and their families in Israel




The aim of the project is to offer Holocaust survivors originating from Austria who are currently being treated by AMCHA, and who were interned in Austria during World War II in Mauthausen and its satellite camps, a broad spectrum of psycho-social services such as psychotherapy, psychosocial clubs for communal support, and home visits by qualified social workers and supervised volunteers. Each individual service plays a vital role in the rehabilitation of traumatized people. It is intended that the program be implemented in AMCHA’s 15 centers throughout Israel and at various other locations in more isolated areas. The scope of the activities within the services offered is expanding rapidly and includes the home therapy program, which offers psychological assistance to the most needy and isolated Holocaust survivors by experienced therapists. Some of these people are confined to their beds and reliant on this service. This service is very well received by our patients and their families.

in German:
Das Ziel des Projekts ist es, Holocaust-Überlebenden österreichischer Herkunft, die derzeit bei AMCHA in Behandlung sind, und die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Österreich im KZ Mauthausen und Nebenlager interniert waren, ein breites Spektrum an psychosozialen Diensten wie Psychotherapie, psychosoziale Klubs zur gemeinschaftlichen Unterstützung und Hausbesuche durch qualifizierte SozialarbeiterInnen und beaufsichtigte Freiwillige anzubieten. Jede einzelne Dienstleistung spielt eine wesentliche Rolle in der Rehabilitation der traumatisierten Menschen. Das Programm soll in AMCHAs 15 Zentren in ganz Israel umgesetzt sowie zusätzlich an diversen anderen Standorten in entlegeneren Gebieten angeboten werden. Das rasch wachsende Aufgabengebiet innerhalb des Services beinhaltet das Heimtherapieprogramm, das psychologische Hilfe durch erfahrene Therapeuten bei den am meisten Bedürftigen und isolierten Überlebenden in deren Zuhause anbietet, die teils durch Bettlägerigkeit daran gebunden sind. Dieses Service wird gerne von unseren PatientInnen und deren Familien in Anspruch genommen.


AMCHA (R.A) National Israeli Center for Psychosocial Support of Survivors of the Holocaust and the Second Generation

in German:
AMCHA (R.A) National Israeli Center for Psychosocial Support of Holocaus Survivors and the Second Generation



Israel | show on map


30 May 2016


Social programme


Social / socio-medical projects


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.