Silent Heroes – People who rescued Jews in Austria

in German:
Stille Helden – JudenretterInnen in Österreich




This 52-minute long television documentary deals with so-called “silent heroes”, private individuals – in this case mainly from rural areas – who rescued Jews from persecution and extermination, some of them over a period of years, others during the final weeks of the war. These are people who put themselves and their families in danger to hide, feed and give medical treatment to wanted persons. They are people who never lost faith in goodness and strived to fight against evil. They are people whose courage remains an example to us all, even today.

in German:
Diese 52-minütige Fernseh-Dokumentation handelt von den so genannten „Stillen HeldInnen“, Privatpersonen – im Fall dieser Arbeit vor allem aus dem ländlichen Raum –, die JüdInnen vor der Verfolgung und Vernichtung retteten, teils über viele Jahre hinweg, teils in den letzten Kriegswochen. Es geht um Menschen, die ihr eigenes Leben und das Schicksal ihrer Familien in Gefahr brachten, um Gesuchte zu verstecken, um Hunger zu lindern und Wunden zu versorgen. Es geht um Menschen, die den Glauben an das Gute nie verloren und versuchten, das Böse zu bekämpfen. Es geht um Menschen, deren Zivilcourage noch heute Vorbildcharakter hat.


Trilight Entertainment, Vienna

in German:
Trilight Entertainment OG, Wien


Austria | show on map


15 May 2017


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget


Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.