Stones of remembrance for the victims of the Shoah

in German:
Gedenksteine für die Opfer der Shoah




The Stones of Remembrance are memorial plaques for those persecuted by the Nazi regime. The so-called “tripping stones” are engraved plaques embedded in the pavement in front of buildings where Jewish people had lived before the Shoah or which had accommodated their cultural institutions. They are intended as a memorial to the victims that returns to them a symbolic place in their former homeland. In the Year of Remembrance 2018, 12 memorial plaques will be laid in 12 places of remembrance.

in German:
Die Steine des Gedenkens sind Gedenktafeln für Verfolgte der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft. Diese sogenannten „Stolpersteine“ sind in den Gehsteig eingelassene Schrifttafeln – bei Gebäuden, wo JüdInnen vor der Shoah gewohnt haben oder wo ihre kulturellen Institutionen waren. Dadurch soll an die Opfer erinnert und ihnen symbolisch wieder ein Platz in ihrer damaligen Heimat gegeben werden. Im Gedenkjahr werden 12 Gedenktafeln an sieben Gedenkstellen verlegt.


Stones of Remembrance for Victims of the Holocaust

in German:
Steine des Gedenkens für die Opfer der Shoah



Austria | show on map


14 May 2018


Memorial stone - stumbling stone


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.