Primo Levi by Matteo Mastragostino and Alessandro Ranghiasci

in German:
Primo Levi von Matteo Mastragostino, Alessandro Ranghiasci




In their new book, the Italians Matteo Mastragostino and Alessandro Ranghiasci illustrate and write a new biography of Primo Levi. A few months before his death, Primo Levi met students at the Rignon elementary school in Turin. And so began the long journey of knowledge, on which the writer took the children by the hand and took them with him into his personal drama and tried to explain, gently but firmly, what the Holocaust was and how he had managed to survive the hell of Auschwitz. The students opened their eyes and saw the darkest side of human history, led by the voices and gestures of one of their key witnesses, a master of clarity and resistance, resolution and deed. Primo Levi’s biography as a moving graphic novel is one of the most accessible works available on the deportation and murder of the Jews in Auschwitz. The aim of the project is to have this book translated into German.

in German:
In ihrem neuen Buch illustrieren und schreiben die beiden Italiener Matteo Mastragostino und Alessandro Ranghiasci eine neue Biographie von Primo Levi. Wenige Monate vor seinem Tod traf Primo Levi die SchülerInnen der Volksschule Rignon in Turin. So begann die lange Reise des Wissens, in dem der Schriftsteller die Kinder an der Hand nahm und sie ruhig in sein persönliches Drama begleitete und mit sanfter Festigkeit zu erklären versuchte, was der Holocaust war, und wie er geschafft hat, die Hölle von Auschwitz zu überleben. Die SchülerInnen öffneten ihre Augen und sahen die schwärzeste Seite der menschlichen Geschichte, geführt durch die Stimme und die Gesten eines ihrer maßgeblichsten Zeugen, einem Meister der Klarheit und des Widerstands, der Entschlossenheit und Tat. Primo Levis Biographie als berührende Graphic Novel zählt zu den zugänglichsten Werken über die Deportation und Ermordung der Juden in Auschwitz. Ziel des Projekts ist es, das Buch ins Deutsche zu übersetzen.


bahoe books

in German:
bahoe books



Austria | show on map


14 May 2018




Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.

Publications / Media



Primo Levi

Authors / Editors

Mastragostino, Matteo; Ranghiasci, Alessandro; Fingerlos, Georg


bahoe books



Year of Publication



1. Auflage



Cover Image