Truus' Children

in German:
Truus' Children




Truus Wijsmuller (1896-1978) worked tirelessly to save as many lives as possible. In December 1938, she succeeded in obtaining permission from Adolf Eichmann in Vienna to organize transports of children with the support of others. She saved about 10,000 children from the persecution of the National Socialists. In this documentary, some of these children, who are now 80 to 90 years old and older, shed light on the incredible work of Truus Wijsmuller and the organisation behind the Kindertransports. The aim of the film is to bring Truus Wijsmuller out of the shadows of memory. However, the film also pays tribute to the many children she saved and to their parents who were brave enough to bring the children to safety.

in German:
Truus Wijsmuller (1896-1978) arbeitete mit unermüdlichem Einsatz daran, so viele Menschenleben wie möglich zu retten. Im Dezember 1938 gelang es ihr in Wien die Erlaubnis von Adolf Eichmann zu bekommen, Kindertransporte mit der Unterstützung anderer zu organisieren. Sie rettete rund 10.000 Kinder vor der Verfolgung der Nationalsozialisten. In diesem Dokumentarfilm beleuchten manche dieser Kinder, die mittlerweile 80 bis 90 Jahre alt und älter sind, die unglaubliche Arbeit von Truus Wijsmuller und der Organisation, die hinter den Kindertransporten stand. Ziel des Films ist es, Truus Wijsmuller aus dem Schatten der Erinnerung zu holen. Es werden jedoch auch die vielen Kinder, die sie gerettet hat sowie deren Eltern, die mutig genug waren, die Kinder in Sicherheit zu bringen, in diesem Film geehrt.



Eyes Open Foundation

in German:
Stichting Ogen Open





19 Nov 2018


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.