He and I, Erich Fried

in German:
Er und ich Fried




The film “Er und ich Fried” is director Klaus Fried’s journey into the universe of his father, the poet and political activist Erich Fried. The filmmaker meets his family, Fried's companions and rediscovers the facets of his father's personality. In his film, the son traces Erich Fried's history and roots. He visits old friends and companions and reflects on the chaotic family life in conversations with his siblings. In Austria he finds access to his father's archive. The personal materials of his parents, their friends and companions and his siblings provide a very intimate picture of Erich Fried.

in German:
Der Film „Er und ich Fried“ ist die Reise des Regisseurs Klaus Fried in das Universum seines Vaters, des Dichtes und Politaktivisten Erich Fried. Der Filmemacher begegnet seiner Familie, WegbegleiterInnen Frieds und entdeckt die Facetten der Persönlichkeit seines Vaters neu. In seinem Film spürt der Sohn Erich Frieds Geschichte und Wurzeln nach. Er besucht alte FreundInnen und WegbegleiterInnen und sinnt in Gesprächen mit seinen Geschwistern dem chaotischen Familienleben nach. In Österreich findet er Zugang zum Archiv seines Vaters. Die persönlichen Materialien seiner Eltern, ihrer Freunde und Weggefährten und seinen Geschwistern ergeben ein sehr intimes Bild von Erich Fried.


Mischief Films

in German:
Mischief Films KG



Austria | show on map


28 Jun 2021


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.