Everyday Life and History of Persecution of “Mixed Marriage Families” in Vienna 1938–1945

in German:
Alltag und Verfolgungsgeschichte von „Mischehefamilien“ in Wien 1938-1945




This project focuses on the everyday life and persecution suffered by of “mixed marriage families” during the Nazi regime in Vienna. In the context of Nazi racial ideology, marriages between Jewish women or Jews and non-Jews as well as their “half-Jewish” offspring allegedly posed a threat to the integrity of the Nazi regime.

in German:
In diesem Projekt stehen der Alltag und die Verfolgungserfahrungen von „Mischehefamilien“ während des NS-Regimes in Wien in Zentrum. Im Kontext nationalsozialistischer Rassenideologie stellten Ehen zwischen Jüdinnen oder Juden und Nichtjuden sowie deren „halbjüdische“ Nachkommen eine Bedrohung für die Integrität des NS-Regimes dar.


Institute for Contemporary History of the University of Vienna

in German:
Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien


Austria | show on map


26 Apr 2022




Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.