My Knees Were Jumping: Remembering the Kindertransports. Translation and Subtitling Project

in German:
My Knees Were Jumping; Remembering the Kindertransports Translation and Subtitle Project




The current project plans to show the film, translate it into German and subtitle it as part of a film screening and discussion at the Josefstadt Adult Education Centre in autumn 2024 in conjunction with the exhibition “I wanted to love Vienna, but I didn't dare” about the life of the writer Lore Segal at the Josefstadt District Museum (28 February 2024 to 26 January 2025).

in German:
Das aktuell vorgelegte Projekt plant im Rahmen einer Filmvorführung und Diskussion in der Volkshochschule Josefstadt im Herbst 2024 in Verbindung mit der Ausstellung "Ich wollte Wien lieben, aber ich habe es nicht gewagt" über das Leben der Schriftstellerin Lore Segal in Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt (28. Februar 2024 bis 26. Jänner 2025), den Film zu zeigen, außerdem ins Deutsche zu übersetzen und zu untertiteln.


Bee's Knees Productions, Inc.

in German:
Bee's Knees Productions


Austria | show on map


13 May 2024


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.