Chamber Music Festival Castle Laudon

in German:
Kammermusikfestival Schloss Laudon 2012




The Castle Laudon Chamber Music Festival by the aron quartett is dedicated to performing selected works by composers who were persecuted by the Nazi regime: many of them had to emigrate and some were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. In 2012, banished music is on the program at every concert. Works by Erwin Schulhoff, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Mieczyslaw Weinberg, Franz Mittler and Paul Hindemith will be performed. Before 1938, Franz Mittler was the piano accompanist for Karl Kraus in his legendary performances.

in German:
Das Kammermusikfestival Schloss Laudon des aron quartetts widmet sich insbesondere der Aufführung ausgesuchter Werke von unter dem Naziregime verfolgter Komponisten: viele von ihnen mussten emigrieren, manche wurden in den Vernichtungslagern der Nazis ermordet. 2012 steht in jedem Konzert "Vertriebene Musik" auf dem Programm. Werke von Erwin Schulhoff, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Mieczyslaw Weinberg, Franz Mittler und Paul Hindemith werden gespielt. Franz Mittler war vor 1938 der Klavierbegleiter von Karl Kraus bei dessen legendären Auftritten.


Chamber Music Festival Association

in German:
Verein Kammermusikfestival Schloss Laudon



Austria | show on map


19 Jun 2012


Art and culture project


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.